在YOLO 的文章中我们介绍到YOLO存在三个缺陷:
两个bounding box功能的重复降低了模型的精度;
为了解决这些问题,SSD 应运而生。SSD的全称是Single Shot MultiBox Detector,Single Shot表示SSD是像YOLO一样的单次检测算法,MultiBox指SSD每次可以检测多个物体,Detector表示SSD是用来进行物体检测的。
使用了类似Faster R-CNN中RPN网络提出的锚点(Anchor)机制,增加了bounding box的多样性;
使用网络中多个阶段的Feature Map,提升了特征多样性。
RPN只使用卷积网络的顶层特征,不过在FPN和Mask R-CNN中已经对这点进行了改进;
在论文中作者说SSD的精度超过了Faster R-CNN,速度超过了YOLO。下面我们将结合基于Keras的源码 和论文对SSD进行详细剖析。
1. 算法流程
SSD的流程和YOLO是一样的,输入一张图片得到一系列候选区域,使用NMS得到最终的检测框。与YOLO不同的是,SSD使用了不同阶段的Feature Map用于检测,YOLO和SSD的对比如图2所示。
图1:SSD vs YOLO
复制 def ssd_300 ( image_size ,
n_classes ,
mode = 'training' ,
l2_regularization = 0.0005 ,
min_scale = None ,
max_scale = None ,
scales = None ,
aspect_ratios_global = None ,
aspect_ratios_per_layer = [[ 1.0 , 2.0 , 0.5 ] ,
[ 1.0 , 2.0 , 0.5 , 3.0 , 1.0 / 3.0 ] ,
[ 1.0 , 2.0 , 0.5 , 3.0 , 1.0 / 3.0 ] ,
[ 1.0 , 2.0 , 0.5 , 3.0 , 1.0 / 3.0 ] ,
[ 1.0 , 2.0 , 0.5 ] ,
[ 1.0 , 2.0 , 0.5 ]] ,
two_boxes_for_ar1 = True ,
steps = [ 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 100 , 300 ] ,
offsets = None ,
clip_boxes = False ,
variances = [ 0.1 , 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.2 ] ,
coords = 'centroids' ,
normalize_coords = True ,
subtract_mean = [ 123 , 117 , 104 ] ,
divide_by_stddev = None ,
swap_channels = [ 2 , 1 , 0 ] ,
confidence_thresh = 0.01 ,
iou_threshold = 0.45 ,
top_k = 200 ,
nms_max_output_size = 400 ,
return_predictor_sizes = False )
1.1 SSD的骨干网络
复制 conv1_1 = Conv2D ( 64 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv1_1' )(x1)
conv1_2 = Conv2D ( 64 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv1_2' )(conv1_1)
pool1 = MaxPooling2D (pool_size = ( 2 , 2 ), strides = ( 2 , 2 ), padding = 'same' , name = 'pool1' )(conv1_2)
conv2_1 = Conv2D ( 128 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv2_1' )(pool1)
conv2_2 = Conv2D ( 128 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv2_2' )(conv2_1)
pool2 = MaxPooling2D (pool_size = ( 2 , 2 ), strides = ( 2 , 2 ), padding = 'same' , name = 'pool2' )(conv2_2)
conv3_1 = Conv2D ( 256 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv3_1' )(pool2)
conv3_2 = Conv2D ( 256 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv3_2' )(conv3_1)
conv3_3 = Conv2D ( 256 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv3_3' )(conv3_2)
pool3 = MaxPooling2D (pool_size = ( 2 , 2 ), strides = ( 2 , 2 ), padding = 'same' , name = 'pool3' )(conv3_3)
conv4_1 = Conv2D ( 512 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv4_1' )(pool3)
conv4_2 = Conv2D ( 512 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv4_2' )(conv4_1)
conv4_3 = Conv2D ( 512 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv4_3' )(conv4_2)
pool4 = MaxPooling2D (pool_size = ( 2 , 2 ), strides = ( 2 , 2 ), padding = 'same' , name = 'pool4' )(conv4_3)
conv5_1 = Conv2D ( 512 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv5_1' )(pool4)
conv5_2 = Conv2D ( 512 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv5_2' )(conv5_1)
conv5_3 = Conv2D ( 512 , ( 3 , 3 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv5_3' )(conv5_2)
pool5 = MaxPooling2D (pool_size = ( 3 , 3 ), strides = ( 1 , 1 ), padding = 'same' , name = 'pool5' )(conv5_3)
fc6 = Conv2D ( 1024 , ( 3 , 3 ), dilation_rate = ( 6 , 6 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'fc6' )(pool5)
fc7 = Conv2D ( 1024 , ( 1 , 1 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'fc7' )(fc6)
conv8_1 = Conv2D ( 256 , ( 1 , 1 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv6_1' )(fc7)
conv8_1 = ZeroPadding2D (padding = (( 1 , 1 ), ( 1 , 1 )), name = 'conv6_padding' )(conv8_1)
conv8_2 = Conv2D ( 512 , ( 3 , 3 ), strides = ( 2 , 2 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'valid' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv6_2' )(conv8_1)
conv9_1 = Conv2D ( 128 , ( 1 , 1 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv7_1' )(conv8_2)
conv9_1 = ZeroPadding2D (padding = (( 1 , 1 ), ( 1 , 1 )), name = 'conv7_padding' )(conv9_1)
conv9_2 = Conv2D ( 256 , ( 3 , 3 ), strides = ( 2 , 2 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'valid' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv7_2' )(conv9_1)
conv10_1 = Conv2D ( 128 , ( 1 , 1 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv8_1' )(conv9_2)
conv10_2 = Conv2D ( 256 , ( 3 , 3 ), strides = ( 1 , 1 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'valid' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv8_2' )(conv10_1)
conv11_1 = Conv2D ( 128 , ( 1 , 1 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv9_1' )(conv10_2)
conv11_2 = Conv2D ( 256 , ( 3 , 3 ), strides = ( 1 , 1 ), activation = 'relu' , padding = 'valid' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv9_2' )(conv11_1)
从图1中我们可以看出,SSD输入图片的尺寸是300 × 300 300\times 300 300 × 300 ,另外SSD也由一个输入图片尺寸是512 × 512 512\times 512 512 × 512 的版本,这个版本的SSD虽然慢一些,但是是检测精度达到了76.9%。
SSD采用的是VGG-16的作为骨干网络,VGG的详细内容参考文章Very Deep Convolutional NetWorks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 。使用标准网络的目的是为了使用训练好的模型进行迁移学习,SSD使用的是在ILSVRC CLS-LOC数据集上得到的模型进行的初始化。目的是在更高的采样率上计算Feature Map。
第一点不同的是在block5中,max_pool2d的步长s t r i d e = 1 stride=1 s t r i d e = 1 ,此时图像将不会进行降采样,也就是说输入到block6的Feature Map的尺寸任然是38 × 38 38\times 38 38 × 38 。
SSD的3 × 3 3\times 3 3 × 3 的conv6和1 × 1 1\times 1 1 × 1 的conv7的卷积核是通过预训练模型的fc6和fc7采样得到,这种从全连接层中采样卷积核的方法参考的是DeepLab-LargeFov 的方法。具体细节在DeepLab-LargeFov的论文中进行分析。
。此时的卷积操作为空洞卷积(Dilation Convolution),在TensorFLow中使用tf.nn.atrous_conv2d()
空洞卷积可以在不增加模型复杂度的同时扩大卷积操作的视野,通过在卷积核中插值0的形式完成的。如图3所示,(a)是膨胀率为1的卷积,也就是标准的卷积,其感受野的大小是3 × 3 3\times 3 3 × 3 。(b)的膨胀率为2,卷积核变成了7 × 7 7\times 7 7 × 7 的卷积核,其中只有9个红点处的值不为0,在不增加复杂度的同时感受野变成了7 × 7 7\times 7 7 × 7 。(c)的膨胀率是4,感受野的大小变成了15 × 15 15\times 15 15 × 15 。在设置感受野的膨胀率时要谨慎设计,否则如果卷积核大于Feature Map的尺寸之后程序会报错。
fc7之后输出的Feature Map的大小是19 × 19 19\times 19 19 × 19 ,经过block8的一次padding和一次valid卷积之后(即相当于一次same卷积),再经过一次步长为2的降采样,输入到block 9的Feature Map的尺寸是10 × 10 10\times 10 10 × 10 。block 9的操作和block 8相同,即输入到block 8的Feature Map的尺寸是5 × 5 5\times 5 5 × 5 。block 10和block 11使用的是valid卷积,所以图像的尺寸分别是3和1。这样我们便得到了图2中Feature Map尺寸的变化过程。
1.2 多尺度预测
在卷积网络中,不同深度的Feature Map趋向于响应不同程度的特征,SDD使用了骨干网络中的多个Feature Map用于预测检测框。通过图1和图2我们可以发现,SSD使用的是conv4_3, fc7, conv8_2, conv9_2, conv10_2, conv11_2分别用于检测尺寸从小到大的物体,如代码片段3 (./models/keras_ssd300.py
复制 # Feed conv4_3 into the L2 normalization layer
conv4_3_norm = L2Normalization (gamma_init = 20 , name = 'conv4_3_norm' )(conv4_3)
### Build the convolutional predictor layers on top of the base network
# We precidt `n_classes` confidence values for each box, hence the confidence predictors have depth `n_boxes * n_classes`
# Output shape of the confidence layers: `(batch, height, width, n_boxes * n_classes)`
conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 0 ] * n_classes, ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf' )(conv4_3_norm)
fc7_mbox_conf = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 1 ] * n_classes, ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'fc7_mbox_conf' )(fc7)
conv8_2_mbox_conf = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 2 ] * n_classes, ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv8_2_mbox_conf' )(conv8_2)
conv9_2_mbox_conf = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 3 ] * n_classes, ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv9_2_mbox_conf' )(conv9_2)
conv10_2_mbox_conf = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 4 ] * n_classes, ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv10_2_mbox_conf' )(conv10_2)
conv11_2_mbox_conf = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 5 ] * n_classes, ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv11_2_mbox_conf' )(conv11_2)
# We predict 4 box coordinates for each box, hence the localization predictors have depth `n_boxes * 4`
# Output shape of the localization layers: `(batch, height, width, n_boxes * 4)`
conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 0 ] * 4 , ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc' )(conv4_3_norm)
fc7_mbox_loc = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 1 ] * 4 , ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'fc7_mbox_loc' )(fc7)
conv8_2_mbox_loc = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 2 ] * 4 , ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv8_2_mbox_loc' )(conv8_2)
conv9_2_mbox_loc = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 3 ] * 4 , ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv9_2_mbox_loc' )(conv9_2)
conv10_2_mbox_loc = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 4 ] * 4 , ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv10_2_mbox_loc' )(conv10_2)
conv11_2_mbox_loc = Conv2D (n_boxes[ 5 ] * 4 , ( 3 , 3 ), padding = 'same' , kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' , kernel_regularizer = l2 (l2_reg), name = 'conv11_2_mbox_loc' )(conv11_2)
其中第二行的L2Normalization使用的是ParseNet 中提出的全局归一化。即对像素点的在通道维度上进行归一化,其中gamma是一个可训练的放缩变量。
SSD对于第i i i 个Feature Map的每个像素点都会产生n_boxes[i]个锚点进行分类和位置精校,其中n_boxes的值为[4,6,6,6,4,4],我们在1.3节会介绍n_boxes值的计算方法。SSD相当于预测M个bounding box,其中:
M = 38 × 38 × 4 + 19 × 19 × 6 + 10 × 10 × 6 + 5 × 5 × 6 + 3 × 3 × 4 + 1 × 1 × 4 = 8732 M = 38\times 38\times 4 + 19\times 19\times 6 + 10\times 10\times 6 + 5\times 5\times 6+ 3\times 3\times 4 +1\times 1\times 4=8732 M = 38 × 38 × 4 + 19 × 19 × 6 + 10 × 10 × 6 + 5 × 5 × 6 + 3 × 3 × 4 + 1 × 1 × 4 = 8732 上式便是图2中最右侧8732的计算方式。也就是对于一张300*300的输入图片,SSD要预测8732个检测框,所以SSD本质上可以看做是密集采样。SSD的分类有C + 1 C+1 C + 1 个值包括C类前景和1类背景,回归包括物体位置的四要素(y,x,h,w)。对于20类的Pascal VOC来说SSD是一个含有8732 × ( 21 + 4 ) 8732\times(21+4) 8732 × ( 21 + 4 ) 的多任务模型。
通过代码片段3,我们可以看出SSD并没有使用全连接产生预测结果,而是使用的3*3的卷机操作分别产生了分类和回归的预测结果。对于一个分类任务来说,Feature Map的数量是(C+1)*n_boxes[i],而回归任务的Feature Map的数量是4*n_boxes[i]。
1.3 SSD中的锚点
SSD使用多尺度的Feature Map的原因是使用不同层次的Feature Map检测不同尺寸的物体,所以onv4_3, fc7, conv8_2, conv9_2, conv10_2, conv11_2的锚点的尺寸也是从小到大。论文中给出的值是从0.2到0.9间一个线性变化的值:
s k = s m i n + s m a x − s m i n m − 1 ( k − 1 ) , k ∈ [ 1 , m ] s_k = s_{min} + \frac{s_{max} - s_{min}}{m-1}(k-1), k\in[1,m] s k = s min + m − 1 s ma x − s min ( k − 1 ) , k ∈ [ 1 , m ] s m i n s_{min} s min 和s m a x s_{max} s ma x 是两个超参数,需要根据不同的数据集自行调整。论文中给出的例子是s m i n = 0.2 s_{min}=0.2 s min = 0.2 ,s m a x = 0.9 s_{max}=0.9 s ma x = 0.9 ,m = 6 m=6 m = 6 。s k s_k s k 表示的是锚点大小相对于Feature Map的比例,通过上式得出的值依次是[0.2, 0.34, 0.48, 0.62, 0.76, 0.9]
对于6组Feature Map,SSD分别产生[4,6,6,6,4,4]
中给出的值加上一组比例为s k ′ = s k s k + 1 s'_k=\sqrt{s_k s_{k+1}} s k ′ = s k s k + 1 的框,其中s k + 1 = s k + ( s k − s k − 1 ) s_{k+1} = s_k + (s_k - s_{k-1}) s k + 1 = s k + ( s k − s k − 1 ) 。根据s k s_k s k 和长宽比a r a_r a r 我们便可以得到不同样式的锚点,其中锚点的宽w k a = s k a r w^a_k = s_k\sqrt{a_r} w k a = s k a r ,高h k a = s k / a r h^a_k = s_k/\sqrt{a_r} h k a = s k / a r 。a r ∈ { 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 2 , 1 3 } a_r \in \{1,2,3,\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{3}\} a r ∈ { 1 , 2 , 3 , 2 1 , 3 1 } 。
a r a_r a r 的取值也是一个超参数,在源码中,定义在aspect_ratios_per_layer
举个例子,在conv4_3中,要产生38 × 38 × 4 38\times 38\times 4 38 × 38 × 4 个锚点,其中有三个锚点的尺度分别是(1, 2.0, 0.5),再加上一组1 : 1 1:1 1 : 1 的尺度为s k ′ = 0.2 × 0.34 = 0.2608 s'_k=\sqrt{0.2\times 0.34} = 0.2608 s k ′ = 0.2 × 0.34 = 0.2608 的锚点,得到四组锚点分别是[ ( 0.2 , 0.2 ) , ( 0.2608 , 0.2608 ) , ( 0.2828 , 0.1414 ) , ( 0.1414 , 0.2828 ) ] [(0.2,0.2), (0.2608, 0.2608), (0.2828, 0.1414), (0.1414, 0.2828)] [( 0.2 , 0.2 ) , ( 0.2608 , 0.2608 ) , ( 0.2828 , 0.1414 ) , ( 0.1414 , 0.2828 )] 。等比例换算到原图中得到的锚点的大小(取整)为[ ( 60 , 60 ) , ( 78 , 78 ) , ( 85 , 42 ) , ( 42 , 85 ) ] [(60, 60), (78, 78), (85, 42), (42, 85)] [( 60 , 60 ) , ( 78 , 78 ) , ( 85 , 42 ) , ( 42 , 85 )] 。
通过上面的介绍,我们得到了锚点四要素中的w w w 和h h h ,锚点的x x x , y y y 通过下式得到
( x , y ) = ( i + 0.5 ∣ f k ∣ , j + 0.5 ∣ f k ∣ ) , i , j ∈ [ 0 , ∣ f k ∣ ] (x,y) = (\frac{i+0.5}{|f_k|}, \frac{j+0.5}{|f_k|}), i,j\in [0, |f_k|] ( x , y ) = ( ∣ f k ∣ i + 0.5 , ∣ f k ∣ j + 0.5 ) , i , j ∈ [ 0 , ∣ f k ∣ ] i , j i,j i , j 即Feature Map像素点的坐标,f k f_k f k 是Feature Map的尺寸。图4便是在8 × 8 8\times 8 8 × 8 和4 × 4 4\times 4 4 × 4 的Feature Map上得到不同尺度的锚点的示例。
图4:锚点示例,改图也展示了锚点对Ground Truth的响应。
锚点如何设计是一种见仁见智的方案,例如源码中锚点的尺度便和论文不同,在源码中,尺度定义在jupyter notebook 文件./ssd300_training.ipynb
中。关于具体如何定义这些锚点其实不必太过在意,这些锚点的作用是为检测框提供一个先验假设,网络最后输出的候选框还是要经过Ground Truth纠正的。
复制 scales_pascal = [ 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.37 , 0.54 , 0.71 , 0.88 , 1.05 ] # The anchor box scaling factors used in the original SSD300 for the Pascal VOC datasets
scales_coco = [ 0.07 , 0.15 , 0.33 , 0.51 , 0.69 , 0.87 , 1.05 ] # The anchor box scaling factors used in the original SSD300 for the MS COCO datasets
除了锚点的尺度以外,源码中锚点的中心点的实现也和论文不同。源码使用预先计算好的步长加上位移进行预测的,即超参数中的变量steps=[8, 16, 32, 64, 100, 300]
。conv4_3经过了3次降采样,即Feature Map的一步相当于原图的8步。但是对于这种方案存在一个问题,即75降采样到38时是不能整除的,也就是最后一列并没有参加降采样,这样步长非精确的计算经过多次累积会被放大到很大。例如经过源码中步长为64的conv9_2层的最后一行和最后一列的锚点的中心点将会取到图像之外,有兴趣的读者可以打印一下。
中实现的,通过AnchorBoxes函数调用。网络中的6个Feature Map会产生6组共8732个先验box,如代码片段4所示。
复制 # Output shape of anchors: `(batch, height, width, n_boxes, 8)`
conv4_3_norm_mbox_priorbox = AnchorBoxes (img_height, img_width, this_scale = scales[ 0 ], next_scale = scales[ 1 ], aspect_ratios = aspect_ratios[ 0 ],
two_boxes_for_ar1 = two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps = steps[ 0 ], this_offsets = offsets[ 0 ], clip_boxes = clip_boxes,
variances = variances, coords = coords, normalize_coords = normalize_coords, name = 'conv4_3_norm_mbox_priorbox' )(conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc)
fc7_mbox_priorbox = AnchorBoxes (img_height, img_width, this_scale = scales[ 1 ], next_scale = scales[ 2 ], aspect_ratios = aspect_ratios[ 1 ],
two_boxes_for_ar1 = two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps = steps[ 1 ], this_offsets = offsets[ 1 ], clip_boxes = clip_boxes,
variances = variances, coords = coords, normalize_coords = normalize_coords, name = 'fc7_mbox_priorbox' )(fc7_mbox_loc)
conv6_2_mbox_priorbox = AnchorBoxes (img_height, img_width, this_scale = scales[ 2 ], next_scale = scales[ 3 ], aspect_ratios = aspect_ratios[ 2 ],
two_boxes_for_ar1 = two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps = steps[ 2 ], this_offsets = offsets[ 2 ], clip_boxes = clip_boxes,
variances = variances, coords = coords, normalize_coords = normalize_coords, name = 'conv6_2_mbox_priorbox' )(conv6_2_mbox_loc)
conv7_2_mbox_priorbox = AnchorBoxes (img_height, img_width, this_scale = scales[ 3 ], next_scale = scales[ 4 ], aspect_ratios = aspect_ratios[ 3 ],
two_boxes_for_ar1 = two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps = steps[ 3 ], this_offsets = offsets[ 3 ], clip_boxes = clip_boxes,
variances = variances, coords = coords, normalize_coords = normalize_coords, name = 'conv7_2_mbox_priorbox' )(conv7_2_mbox_loc)
conv8_2_mbox_priorbox = AnchorBoxes (img_height, img_width, this_scale = scales[ 4 ], next_scale = scales[ 5 ], aspect_ratios = aspect_ratios[ 4 ],
two_boxes_for_ar1 = two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps = steps[ 4 ], this_offsets = offsets[ 4 ], clip_boxes = clip_boxes,
variances = variances, coords = coords, normalize_coords = normalize_coords, name = 'conv8_2_mbox_priorbox' )(conv8_2_mbox_loc)
conv9_2_mbox_priorbox = AnchorBoxes (img_height, img_width, this_scale = scales[ 5 ], next_scale = scales[ 6 ], aspect_ratios = aspect_ratios[ 5 ],
two_boxes_for_ar1 = two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps = steps[ 5 ], this_offsets = offsets[ 5 ], clip_boxes = clip_boxes,
variances = variances, coords = coords, normalize_coords = normalize_coords, name = 'conv9_2_mbox_priorbox' )(conv9_2_mbox_loc)
1.4 SSD的匹配准则
从Feature Map得到锚点之后,我们要确定Ground Truth和哪个锚点匹配,与之匹配的锚点将负责该Ground Truth的预测。在YOLO中,Ground Truth的中心点落在哪个单元内,则该单元的bounding box负责预测其准确的边界。SSD的锚点匹配采用了‘bipartite’和‘multi’两种策略,匹配源码位于./ssd_encoder_decoder/
在bipartite模式中,每个Ground Truth选择与其IoU(论文用的是Jaccard Overlap)最大的锚点进行匹配.如果一个锚点被多个Ground Truth匹配,那么该锚点只匹配与其IoU最大的Ground Truth,其它Ground Truth从剩下的锚点中选择Iou最大的那个进行匹配。bipartite可以保证每个Ground Truth都会有唯一的一个锚点进行匹配。bipartite的源码见代码片段5。
复制 def match_bipartite_greedy ( weight_matrix ):
weight_matrix (array): A 2D Numpy array that represents the weight matrix
for the matching process. If `(m,n)` is the shape of the weight matrix,
it must be `m <= n`. The weights can be integers or floating point
numbers. The matching process will maximize, i.e. larger weights are
preferred over smaller weights.
A 1D Numpy array of length `weight_matrix.shape[0]` that represents
the matched index along the second axis of `weight_matrix` for each index
along the first axis.
weight_matrix = np . copy (weight_matrix)
num_ground_truth_boxes = weight_matrix . shape [ 0 ]
all_gt_indices = list ( range (num_ground_truth_boxes))
matches = np . zeros (num_ground_truth_boxes, dtype = np.int)
for _ in range (num_ground_truth_boxes):
# Find the maximal anchor-ground truth pair in two steps: First, reduce
# over the anchor boxes and then reduce over the ground truth boxes.
anchor_indices = np . argmax (weight_matrix, axis = 1 ) # Reduce along the anchor box axis.
overlaps = weight_matrix [ all_gt_indices , anchor_indices ]
ground_truth_index = np . argmax (overlaps) # Reduce along the ground truth box axis.
anchor_index = anchor_indices [ ground_truth_index ]
matches [ ground_truth_index ] = anchor_index # Set the match.
# Set the row of the matched ground truth box and the column of the matched
# anchor box to all zeros. This ensures that those boxes will not be matched again,
# because they will never be the best matches for any other boxes.
weight_matrix [ ground_truth_index ] = 0
weight_matrix [:, anchor_index ] = 0
return matches
在bipartite策略中被匹配的锚点数量是非常少的,这就造成了训练时的正负样本的不平衡。所以需要multi策略进行纠正,源码中也是使用的multi策略。mutli在bipartite策略的基础上增加了所有与Ground Truth的IoU大于阈值θ \theta θ (源码中θ = 0.5 \theta=0.5 θ = 0.5 )的锚点作为匹配锚点。SSD中一个Ground Truth是可以有多个锚点与其匹配的,但是反过来是不行的,一个锚点只能与和它IoU最大的Ground Truth进行匹配。mutli策略的源码见代码片段6
复制 def match_multi ( weight_matrix , threshold ):
Two 1D Numpy arrays of equal length that represent the matched indices. The first
array contains the indices along the first axis of `weight_matrix`, the second array
contains the indices along the second axis.
num_anchor_boxes = weight_matrix . shape [ 1 ]
all_anchor_indices = list ( range (num_anchor_boxes))
# Find the best ground truth match for every anchor box.
ground_truth_indices = np . argmax (weight_matrix, axis = 0 )
overlaps = weight_matrix [ ground_truth_indices , all_anchor_indices ]
# Filter out the matches with a weight below the threshold.
anchor_indices_thresh_met = np . nonzero (overlaps >= threshold) [ 0 ]
gt_indices_thresh_met = ground_truth_indices [ anchor_indices_thresh_met ]
return gt_indices_thresh_met , anchor_indices_thresh_met
尽管通过multi匹配策略增加了正样本的数量,但是在8732个锚点中,正负样本的比例还是非常不均衡的。所以SSD使用了难分样本挖掘(Hard Negative Mining)的策略对负样本进行采样。即对负样本的置信度进行排序,在保证正负样本1 : 3 1:3 1 : 3 的的前提下抽取top-k个负样本。
1.5 SSD的损失函数
由于SSD也是一个由分类任务和检测任务多任务模型,所以SSD的损失函数将由置信度误差L c o n f L_{conf} L co n f 和位置误差L l o c L_{loc} L l oc 组成:
L ( x , c , l , g ) = 1 N ( L c o n f ( x , c ) + α L l o c ( x , l , g ) ) L(x,c,l,g) = \frac{1}{N} (L_{conf}(x, c) + \alpha L_{loc}(x,l,g)) L ( x , c , l , g ) = N 1 ( L co n f ( x , c ) + α L l oc ( x , l , g ))
其中N N N 是正锚点的数量,α \alpha α 是两个任务的侧重比重,经过交叉验证之后α \alpha α 被设置成了1。x i , j p = { 0 , 1 } ∈ x x_{i,j}^p =\{0,1\}\in x x i , j p = { 0 , 1 } ∈ x 用于指示该锚点是否和Ground Truth进行了匹配。
对于分类任务,SSD使用的是softmax多类别的损失函数,上式中的c c c 表示分类置信度:
L c o n f ( x , c ) = − ∑ i ∈ P o s N x i , j p l o g ( c ^ i p ) − ∑ i ∈ N e g l o g ( c ^ i 0 ) , c ^ i p = e x p ( c i p ) ∑ p e x p ( c i p ) L_{conf}(x,c) = - \sum^{N}_{i\in Pos} x^p_{i,j}log(\hat{c}^p_i) - \sum_{i\in Neg} log(\hat{c}^0_i), \hat{c}^p_i=\frac{exp(c^p_i)}{\sum_p exp(c^p_i)} L co n f ( x , c ) = − i ∈ P os ∑ N x i , j p l o g ( c ^ i p ) − i ∈ N e g ∑ l o g ( c ^ i 0 ) , c ^ i p = ∑ p e x p ( c i p ) e x p ( c i p ) 对于回归任务,SSD预测的是正锚点和Ground Truth的相对位移,损失函数使用的是Smooth L1损失函数。l l l 表示预测的锚点和Ground Truth的相对位移,而g g g 表示实际的相对位移。其中l l l 和g g g 包含物体位置的四要素( g ^ j c x , g ^ j c y , g ^ j w , g ^ j h ) (\hat{g}^{cx}_j, \hat{g}^{cy}_j, \hat{g}^w_j, \hat{g}^h_j) ( g ^ j c x , g ^ j cy , g ^ j w , g ^ j h ) 。
g ^ j c x = ( g j c x − d i c x ) / d i w \hat{g}^{cx}_j = (g^{cx}_j - d^{cx}_i)/d^w_i g ^ j c x = ( g j c x − d i c x ) / d i w
g ^ j c y = ( g j c y − d i c y ) / d i h \hat{g}^{cy}_j = (g^{cy}_j - d^{cy}_i)/d^h_i g ^ j cy = ( g j cy − d i cy ) / d i h
g ^ j w = l o g ( g j w d i w ) \hat{g}^w_j = log(\frac{g^w_j}{d^w_i}) g ^ j w = l o g ( d i w g j w )
g ^ j h = l o g ( g j h d i h ) \hat{g}^h_j = log(\frac{g^h_j}{d^h_i}) g ^ j h = l o g ( d i h g j h )
损失函数表示为实际偏移和预测偏移的Smooth L1损失:
L l o c ( x , l , g ) = − ∑ i ∈ P o s N ∑ m ∈ c x , c y , w , h x i , j k s m o o t h L 1 ( l i m − g ^ j m ) L_{loc}(x,l,g) = - \sum^{N}_{i\in Pos} \sum_{m \in {cx,cy,w,h}} x^k_{i,j} smooth_{L1} (l^m_i - \hat{g}^m_j) L l oc ( x , l , g ) = − i ∈ P os ∑ N m ∈ c x , cy , w , h ∑ x i , j k s m oo t h L 1 ( l i m − g ^ j m ) 与Faster R-CNN的( x , y ) (x,y) ( x , y ) 表示左上角不同,SDD的( c x , c y ) (cx,cy) ( c x , cy ) 表示的是锚点的中心点。
1.6 SSD的检测过程
SSD一个非常有意思的变种是使用反卷积增加了上下文信息的DSSD ,或者说用反卷积代替了基于双线性插值的上采样过程。下面我们来讲解DSSD是怎么进一步优化SSD的。
2.1 DSSD的骨干网络
在骨干网络方面,DSSD使用了层数更深的Residual Net-101,检测模块的网络是从conv5_x之后开始的,用于进行检测的则包括conv3_x,conv5_x和添加的检测模块,如图5。
2.2 反卷积
反卷积 ,又被叫做逆卷积,是在语义分割中应用中最常见的算法之一。下面通过一个例子来说明反卷积的工作原理:对于一个4 × 4 4\times4 4 × 4 的输入x x x ,经过3 × 3 3\times3 3 × 3 卷积核的有效卷积,得到一个2 × 2 2\times2 2 × 2 的特征向量y y y , 设卷积运算为y = C x y=Cx y = C x 。C C C 的本质上是一个稀疏矩阵(很多开源框架卷积操作的实现方式):
反卷积相当于卷积网络的正向和反向的传播中做相反的运算,即正向的时候左乘C T C^T C T ,反向的时候左乘( C T ) T = C (C^T)^T=C ( C T ) T = C 的运算,所以有些人更喜欢把反卷积叫做转置卷积。
图5中的Deconvolution Module(反卷积模块)展开如图6所示。
DSSD的反卷积模块分成两部分:图6的上半部分是反卷积Feature Map,其尺寸为H × W H\times W H × W ;图6的下半部分是SSD的Feature Map,其尺寸是反卷积Feature Map的二倍,即2 H × 2 W 2H \times 2W 2 H × 2 W ,进行了两组卷积和BN操作,得到一组2 H × 2 W 2H \times 2W 2 H × 2 W 的FeatureMap。在反卷积部分中,通过步长为2的反卷积操作和一组3 × 3 3\times3 3 × 3 卷积得到2 H × 2 W 2H\times 2W 2 H × 2 W 的Feature Map。最后通过单位积操作和一个ReLU激活函数得到最终2 W × 2 H 2W\times2H 2 W × 2 H 的Feature Map。同时作者也尝试了单位和操作,但是效果并不如单位积。
2.3 预测模块
2.4 DSSD的锚点聚类
DSSD的锚点比例也采用了YOLOv2的思想对Ground Truth进行了聚类分析的方式得到。由于大部分Ground Truth的比例都在[ 1 , 3 ] [1, 3] [ 1 , 3 ] ,所以作者设置了三个比例的锚点( 1.6 , 2.0 , 3.0 ) (1.6, 2.0, 3.0) ( 1.6 , 2.0 , 3.0 ) 。
1. 使用多尺度的Feature Map提取特征;
2. 利用Faster R-CNN的锚点机制改进候选框。